خانواده رامین حسین‌پناهی، زندانی سیاسی کرد محکوم به اعدام نگران اجرای قریب‌الوقوع حکم او هستند. به گزارش فعالان حقوق کردها، این زندانی سیاسی قرار است برای اجرای حکم به زندان رجایی‌شهر کرج منتقل شود.

امجد حسین‌پناهی، برادر رامین به شبکه خبری «روداو»، وابسته به حکومت محلی اقلیم کردستان عراق درباره آخرین وضعیت برادرش می‌گوید:

«رامین به‌شدت بیمار است و از بیماری کلیوی رنج می‌برد. مقام‌های زندان سنندج به رامین گفته‌اند که نیازی به معالجه پزشکی ندارد زیرا به زودی اعدام خواهد شد.»

به گزارش وب‌سایت سازمان حقوق بشری «هه‌نگاو»، مقام‌های قضائی در حال انتقال حسین‌پناهی به زندان رجایی‌شهر کرج هستند.

یک مقام مطلع به هه‌نگاو گفته است که این زندانی سیاسی کرد مردادماه برای اجرای حکم اعدام به رجایی‌شهر منتقل خواهد شد تا اجرای حکم او در شهر کردنشین سنندج به واکنش گسترده مردمی ختم نشود.

برادر این زندانی سیاسی به روداو گفته است که از ملاقات وکیل رامین با او در سنندج جلوگیری شده:

«وکیل رامین از زندان سنندج بازدید کرد تا از آخرین وضعیت رامین اطلاع یابد اما به او اجازه ملاقات با رامین را ندادند و مقام‌های زندانی او را تحقیر کردند. آنها می‌خواهند جلوی هرگونه واکنش مردمی و حمایت از رامین درون کردستان ایران را بگیرند و به همین خاطر به دنبال زمان و مکان مناسب برای اعدام او می‌گردند.»

حکم اعدام رامین حسین‌‌پناهی به اتهام «بغی» ۲۲ فروردین ۹۷ در شعبه ۳۹ دیوان عالى کشور در شهر قم تایید شد. این زندانی کرد سوم تیر ماه ۹۶ در جریان آنچه رسانه‎های داخلی آن را درگیری با نیروهای امنیتی گزارش کردند، هدف سه گلوله قرار گرفت و دستگیر شد.

کیفرخواست تنظیم‌شده علیه او مدعی است که حسین‌پناهی خارج از کشور آموزش نظامی دیده و هنگام دستگیری سلاح و نارنجک با خود داشته اما امجد حسین‌پناهی می‌گوید ادعاهای سپاه درباره مسلح بودن برادرش و وقوع درگیری ثابت نشده است. حسین احمدی‌نیاز، وکیل او نیز می‌گوید که رامین حسین‌پناهی عضو حزب «کومله» است اما دست به سلاح نبرده.

رامین حسین‌پناهی در زندان تحت شکنجه قرار گرفته. سازمان‌های حقوق بشری داخلی و بین‌المللی، از جمله عفو بین‌الملل و گزارشگران ویژه ملل متحد روند دادرسی او را ناعادلانه می‌دانند و خواهان لغو حکم اعدام این زندانی سیاسی هستند. ۴۰ وکیل دادگستری ایران نیز در نامه‌ای به علی خامنه‌ای خواهان لغو حکم اعدام او شده‌اند.

برچسب ها :

A former Iranian foreign minister and two top TV celebrities are among several figures suspected of being involved in corruption, the reformist Tehran newspaper Shargh has revealed. Former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s foreign minister, Manoucher Mottaki, and well-known hosts on Iranian state television, Mehran Modiri and Ehsan Alikhani, are among those suspected of having received massive illegal loans

As Shargh reports, in a letter to the director of Iran’s central bank, Mottaki denied any wrongdoing and claimed that the newspaper’s head had told him that it was the Central Bank’s request for the claims against Mottaki to be published

As the trial into the workings of the Samen ol-Hojaj financial institute gets underway, the Shargh report is explosive, indirectly revealing the names of some of the scandal’s top suspects. Following a tradition of Iranian journalism, it doesn’t publish the actual names but uses initials that makes it all but obvious who the report is talking about


Corrupt Financial Businesses and Protests

Grievances against illegal financial institutions played a major role in fueling mass protests earlier this year. Many of these institutions habitually disappear after promising unusually high returns to attract millions of rials of deposits. Samen, whose case is being tried in a criminal court in Tehran, is the first of such institutions to face trial. It is charged with “disrupting the economic order and squandering people’s property

Samen opened doors in 2001 with a capital of 63 million rials. But in 2009, the last year in which it provided a balance sheet for its books, it reported that it had 870 billion rials — meaning it had increased its initial capital almost 14,000 times. By 2015, when it was closed down by the order of the judiciary, this had reached the astronomical sum of 123,000 billion

There are three leading defendants in this case. The main accused (“Defendant no. 1,” in Iranian legal parlance, which ranks the defendants based on the degree of their participation in the crime) is Abololfazl Mirali, Samen’s managing director and a member of its board of directors. Defendant no. 2 is Robabe Ebrahimi, Mirali’s wife and a fellow member of the board of directors. Defendant no. 3 is Mehdi Ramezanian, who is yet to attend any of the trials and is suspected of having fled Iran

Mirali’s biography has fascinated Iranian media in recent days. He used to be a prosecutor for the Special Court of the Clergy in Mashhad, Iran’s second biggest city (the SCC is tasked with prosecuting the crimes of the clergy). In 2001, he launched Samen ol-Hojaj as a cooperative financial institution that, according to its constitution, was to be active only within the confines of the city of Sabzevar, which has a population of 250,000 and lies 230 kilometers west of Mashhad. It was also only supposed to employ people who at least hold a post-secondary associate degree and give small loans to its employees. In practice, however, Samen was to open more than 480 branches all over the country and its first employee was Mirali himself, whose highest academic qualification was a high school diploma

Mirali headed Samen’s board of directors from the outset until 2006, when he left for two years, only to return in 2008 to the same position. From 2010 to 2015 (when Samen closed down), Mirali was both managing director and head of the board of directors. His lawyer claimed his experience in gardening and husbandry was equivalent to a post-secondary degree. Mirali’s financial past is also shrouded in mystery, as 119 of his checks bounced before he started Samen. The intelligence ministry had once, in 2013, declared him to be unqualified, but he was simply kept in his position


Government figures 

Shargh’s reporting shows that the corruption in Samen wasn’t limited to the members of the board of directors. As a cooperative institution, it was to only offer loans to its employees, who had to be residents of the small city of Sabzevar. But it was to do much more. Today it is charged with abusing its nominal status of being supervised by the Central Bank, offering massive loans with low interest rates to well-connected people and offering loans without collateral

Samen’s files show it has offered 255 counts of loans, ranging from 10 billion to 2000 billion rials, with a usual interest rate of three to four percent. A Mr S.Sh, for instance, received a loan of 500 billion rials with an interest rate of three percent. A Ms T.M got 430 billion rials with a rate of four percent. Shargh’s most explosive finding was that Mottaki, who was billed as Samen’s advisor for international affairs, received a loan of 1,240 billion rials

“A high-ranking family linked to the government” had also been involved in a number of illegal doings, Shargh said. A member of the family, a Mr H.S, received 1000 billion rials, which was said to be his salary of 30 years being paid in one go. His father is a leading official who was also an “advisor” to Samen and who received a monthly salary of 51 million rials for the task. Ms. F.P (H.S.’s wife) received a loan of 10.2 billion rials. Their daughter, M.S, was employed by Samen and now owes the institute more than 20 billion rials in unpaid loans. Samen had also purchased two counts of real estate in the central Iranian cities of Yazd and Isfahan from F.P. and her daughter M.S. It paid the family 500 billion rials for a piece of land in Yazd (an unusually high price) and 10 billion rials for an apartment in Isfahan 



According to Shargh, In 2013, Samen gave 5.8 billion rials in payments to Mehran Modiri, perhaps Iran’s most celebrated television comedian of a generation. This was paid in two counts, in March and September 2013, and the payments had been simply billed as a“gift.” But the gift is small compared to the loans Modiri allegedly received. He received a loan of 29 billion rials, of which he only paid back 8 billion rials. A bit of calculation (subtracting the ‘gift” from the amount paid back) shows that Modiri only paid back 2.2 billion rials and has kept a full 27.8 billion rials to himself

Ehsan Alikhani, a 36-year-old TV host, has also allegedly received a payment of 30 billion rials from Samen which was billed as “advertisement expenses


Importing Rice, Selling Handball Players 

Among the stranger operations in which Samen was involved is the importing of rice and swapping of handball players. In 2012, it broke the law by importing 690 tons of rice for an individual identified as “A.” It was also involved in buying and selling handball players until the Iranian Handball Federation got involved and asked for the practice to stop

As the trial of Samen goes on, more light will be shed on the corrupt dealings that have come to symbolize the moral bankruptcy of the Islamic Republic, which was founded on egalitarian claims but ended up harboring an oligarchic capitalism mired by endemic corruption

برچسب ها :

Almost four years have passed since the day of the attacks. On that day, in an instant, three women felt as if their faces and eyes were on fire. Since then, they struggle every day. Their daily lives are now centered around treatment and medication. Everything in their lives has changed. And yet there has been no change in Iran’s justice system. On July 18, it was announced that the court has closed the case

In 2014, three young women were victims of acid attacks in Isfahan, and were left with life-changing injuries — their faces were disfigured  and their eyesight damaged. The attacks shook Iran, and people demanded that those responsible be found and punished to the limit of the law. Instead, authorities clashed with protesters calling for justice and arrested journalists reporting on the attacks. And now, after four years, no one has been charged with the crime and the motives for the attack remain unknown

On July 18, the lawyer for the victims, Hossein Abbas Alizadeh, announced that his clients had received their diya, or “blood money,” they were entitled to from the public funds, and that the case was now closed. “My clients had asked for diya and the court ruled that since nobody has been accused of the crime they must be paid from the public funds,” he told Tasnim news agency [Persian link]. “The diya was paid after taking into account the medical examiner’s report on injuries suffered by my clients, the court’s ruling and the efforts by the prosecutor

Soheyla Joarkesh is one the victims of the Isfahan acid attacks. She was 27 at the time of the attack and suffered the worst injuries among the victims. She lost one eye completely. After undergoing multiple surgeries in Iran, Spain and the US, she has regained partial eyesight in the other eye. “We have received only a small part of the diya,” Soheyla’s father told IranWire. After the attack, he said, “several parts of my daughter’s body were burned and damaged. The Isfahan Medical Examiner documented [the injuries] and communicated them to the prosecutor and the responsible authorities. The case was completed and was sent to Tehran but, unfortunately, the responsible officials disputed the opinion of the medical examiners about the percentage of burns and injuries. We objected to their objection and the case is yet to be decided

!Zero Clues

The Joarkesh family has talked to the media about the tragedy and their daughter’s condition more than the families of the other victims have. The family has repeatedly asked the judiciary to do more to try to find and identify those responsible, but nothing has come out of it. “Our follow-ups have produced no results and no clues about the culprits have been discovered,” Soheyla’s father said. “Sometimes we go to the judiciary, but we receive no answers. The people that claim they can do anything and everything have yet to catch the perpetrator or perpetrators of the acid attacks in Isfahan. They have zero clues about them

What pains them more than anything else is, of course, Soheyla’s health. “For four years we have been struggling with this,” her father said. “We have continued her treatment in Isfahan, in Tehran, in Spain and in America. Just recently she has been able to see partially with the help of a lens.” He said that she still needs help —  at any given time, at least two people care for her

Soheyla’s family has done everything it can.  “The cost of traveling back and forth to the US and Europe is astronomical,” her father said. “We sold our house and our properties to pay for the expenses. We were doing well — otherwise we could not have done these things — but the expenses are really high

From America to Isfahan — On Ice

Her father said that part of the expensehasve been paid by the Ministry of Health on orders from the health minister himself. But Soheyla’s ongoing treatment and the expenses are not their only concerns. “I give you just one example,” he told IranWire. “With the help of friends we found the eyedrops our child needs in the US. Our friends went to the hospital in America and got the drops. Now we have to find somebody to bring them to Iran. After that somebody has to go to Imam Khomeini airport to pick up the drops. Then they have to be brought from Tehran to Isfahan. All throughout this journey the drops must be kept on ice. For 20 days now we have been looking for somebody to bring Soheyla’s drops from America.”

After a pause he said: “This is only part of the trouble we must go through to treat Soheyla. Now the officials dispute the findings of the medical examiner, [who said the authorities had to] pay damages. Well, it is not important. But tell people to pray for my daughter’s health

برچسب ها :

Amnesty International has urged Iranian authorities to transfer the imprisoned human rights activist Arash Sadeghi to a cancer treatment center

“Iranian human rights defender Arash Sadeghi has been diagnosed with a bone tumor that may be cancerous”, wrote Amnesty in a press release and criticized the Iranian authorities for “disregarding medical advice which recommends his immediate transfer to a facility specializing in cancer treatment

Sadeghi has been suffering pain in his arm and shoulder for 18 months, but the prison clinic in Raja’i Shahr, Karaj, 30 km west of the capital Tehran, has been prescribing antiinflammatory drugs. Finally he received an X-ray in May of this year and later an MRI

After being kept for a long time in the dark by the authorities, Sadeghi finally found out in June that doctors had discovered a tumor in his elbow and advised that he has to be admitted to the Cancer Institute of Imam Khomeini Hospital immediately to establish whether it was cancerous, Amnesty says in its report

After several short-term detentions, Arash Sadeghi was convicted to 15 years in prison by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran in 2016 for "acting against national security, attending protests, defamation of the supreme leader, forming illegal groups, and propaganda against the regime". He had also a previous suspended 4-year jail that was added to the new conviction, totalling his prison term to 19 years

Sadeghi has described the allegations as fabricated by the judiciary and the Revolutionary Guard Corps

In addition to attending peaceful protests, Sadeghi was providing Amnesty International, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran and members of the European Parliament with information on the human rights situation in Iran and gave interviews to several foreign based Persian media outlets, Amnesty International says in its statement

His wife, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee has been also convicted to 6 years in prison for writing an unpublished book on stoning. Protesting her arrest in October 2016, Sadeghi went on hunger strike for 71 days that left him with several health complications

برچسب ها :

 police and Revolutionary Guards in the Persian Gulf city of Khorramshahr fired opened fire on demonstrators, killing one and injuring several others. Clashes broke out between police and groups of local residents who had come out on the streets to protest against the severe shortage of drinking water in the city, and many people shared videos of the violence on social media. The situation in in Khorramshahr remains tense and the city is on a high-security alert

Over the last few days, residents of Abadan and Khorramshahr in the province of Khuzestan have staged protests over water shortages. As with protests earlier this month in Kazerun in Fars province, demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans, including “It is a lie that America is our enemy; our enemy is right here;” “Death to Rouhani;” and “Death to the Islamic Republic

Water and Sewage Authority officials from the two cities had announced that they had to cut off water supplies due to a burst water main in Ghadir, and had promised that by Friday, June 29 things would return to normal. They had also blamed the high salt content in drinking water on an advance of seawater from the Persian Gulf into the Karun, Arvand and Shatt al-Arab rivers, which supply drinking water to the area

When Friday arrived and the promises were not realized, residents staged a peaceful demonstration outside Khorramshahr’s Friday Mosque, a symbol of the Iran-Iraq eight-year war in the 1980s. For the first time since the end of the war, Friday prayers were delayed because of the protest rally

“Unfortunately,” said Abdollah Sameri, representative of Khorramshahr to the parliament, “a number of thugs among a crowd of 150 in front of the Friday Mosque demanding water chanted anti-regime slogans

Before the start of Friday prayers, Khorramshahr’s governor Valiollah Hayatifar went into the crowd to talk to protesters, but when the demonstrators began chanting slogans like “We don’t want incompetent officials” and “resign, you incompetent,” he left the scene

In an interview with IranWire, a spokesman for the office of Hojatoleslam Mousavi, Khorramshahr’s Friday Prayers Leader, said the problem of salty city water had been partially solved and by Saturday June 30, the situation would return to normal. But on Saturday, a number of Khorramshahr residents told IranWire that they saw no noticeable improvement. “When we saw the high level of salt in the water, we first thought that the problem was with our home water purification device,” one resident named Zohreh told IranWire, “so we added another device and now we are using both, but the water is still unbearably salty

At Least One Killed

On the night of June 29, after many days of enduring the water crisis, protesters again took to the streets of Khorramshahr. This time, however, the demonstration turned violent as police and anti-riot units fired shots into the crowd. According to eyewitnesses, at least one person was killed and several of the protesters were wounded. “People were just standing in Falakeh Allah Square and chanting,” a protester named Abodollahi told IranWire. “Suddenly the police started spraying tear gas and people escaped toward New Bridge out of fear

Another eyewitness said: “The agents closed the escape route and would not even allow cars to go through. They even broke windshields. People would have stayed calm if the police had not started shooting and had not broken windshields. Firetrucks used water cannons. [The square] was covered with tear gas smoke. People had occupied the square for about half an hour and had been only chanting. Then suddenly the police attacked and started shooting

“One video posted [online] shows Khorramshahr Museum on fire,” Abodollahi said. “I was near the museum and saw that the police themselves set it on fire. How could the people have done it when they were not allowed to go into the museum

According to eyewitnesses and the videos sent to IranWire, after the police and members of the Revolutionary Guards shot directly at the protesters, a number of demonstrators carrying Kalashnikovs started to shoot back at security agents

Citizen journalists for IranWire say that, at the time of writing, the situation in Khorramshahr remains chaotic. Police and Revolutionary Guards are trying to get control of the city, but sporadic protests continue around

برچسب ها :

The Iranian referee for the World Cup third place playoff between England and Belgium has threatened to leave Iran forever


Alireza Faghani made his comments following a scandal that emerged after he shook hands with a female colleague on Wednesday, July 11 during the England-Croatia game in Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium. Soon after, photographs of the handshake were posted and shared on social media. The Islamic Republic bans unrelated members of opposite sex from touching each other

Faghani initially took a conciliatory tone when responding to the controversy. “Such behavior in cyberspace is only natural,” he said. “This lady is a colleague of mine and is also married to one of my closest referee friends. I am sorry for those who are looking for a scandal in such a situation

But the controversy intensified. Just a day before he was to be a FIFA referee in the July 14 playoff, Iranian Football Federation security officials demanded an explanation

Faghani’s comments became more adamant and angry. “I don’t understand this,” he said. “I have known her since 2013 and I am close to both her and her spouse. When we met she congratulated me for my judgments. If they want to create problems because of this, I tell you right now: I will leave…I will take my wife and my family and go

Faghani, who has worked with FIFA since 2008, has a long and distinguished record as an international referee — from the 2014 Asian Champions League (AFC) Final and the 2015 Asian Cup Final to the 2015 World Cup Final, the final match in the 2016 Summer Olympics, the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and, on July 14, the third-place playoff in the 2018 World Cup

Faghani's distinguished career helps bring prestige to Iranian football. But now he has threatened to abandon his home country, all because he shook hands with a female colleague in front of the cameras

برچسب ها :

محمدحسین مالکی، ۴۷ ساله و ساکن شاهین شهر اصفهان، مدیر سایت و کانال تلگرامی عصر جوان به اتهام «افساد فی الارض» در زندان دستگرد اصفهان به اعدام محکوم شده است!!

یک منبع مطلع که نخواست نامش فاش شود به سازمان حقوق بشر ایران گفته: «فعالیت سایت در زمینه‌های مختلف عملی و فرهنگی بوده و همچنین بخش ماهواره‌ای هم در آن قرار داشت که در آن اکانت‌های ماهواره‌ای سی سی کم که اکانتی معمولی و رایج در کشور هست و برای بازگشایی کانال‌های کارتی استفاده می‌شود فروخته می‌شد.»

محمدحسین مالکی به اتهام «افساد فی الارض از طریق فعالیت سازمان یافته در حوزه سی‌سی‌کم با فروش اکانت‌های متعدد ماهواره‌ای به افراد در حد وسیع و گسترده» در شعبه دوم دادگاه انقلاب اصفهان به اعدام محکوم شد.

این درحالی است که در مراحل ابتدایی تحقیق بازپرس پرونده برای محمدحسین مالکی قرار منع تعقیب صادر کرده بود، ولی این تصمیم با مخالفت دادستان به قرار مذکور روبه رو شد و پرونده به دادسرای انقلاب تهران و سپس دیوان عالی کشور و در نهایت برای صدور حکم به شعبه دو دادگاه انقلاب اصفهان ارسال شد.

در بخشی از حکم وی که توسط سازمان حقوق بشر ایران رویت شده، آمده است: «وی در اظهاراتش فعالیت در زمینه تجارت الکترونیک و راه اندازی وب‌سایت در زمینه فعالیت تعمیرات ماهواره و گرفتن تبلیغات و اشتراک گذاری کانال‌های ماهواره‌ای از طریق اینترنت را قبول و قصد خویش از راه اندازی این سیستم را دست‌یابی به برنامه‌های ورزشی فیلم و مستند عنوان نموده و فروش کانال‌هایی با عنوان پورنو و مستهجن و مبتذل را قبول نداشته و انگیزه خویش را فقط مالی عنوان نموده است.»

در این حکم همچنین امده که «دادگاه با عنایت به محتویات پرونده از جمله گزارش اولیه ضابطین اظهارات صریح متهم در مراحل مختلف تحقیق به راه اندازی سایت و کانال‌های مختلف با انگیزه مالی و با ادعای اینکه محتویات کانال‌هایی که وی فعالیت داشته مبتذل بوده و نه مستهجن و فروش سی‌سی‌کم به تعداد ۸۵۰ نفر با عناوین مبتذل که حکایت از فعالیت وی در حد گسترده داشته و ارتباط وی با افراد خارج از کشور … عمل وی منطبق است بر ماده ۲۸۶ قانون مجازات اسلامی که دادگاه وی را به مجازات اعدام محکوم می‌کند.»

محمدحسین مالکی هم اکنون در بند عمومی زندان دستگرد اصفهان است.

برچسب ها :

مسئولان زندان تهران بزرگ (زندان فشافویه) از ساعت ۱۱ صبح تا ۸ شب آب را به روی زندانیان می‌بندند. بنا به گزارش‌هایی که در شبکه‌های اجتماعی منتشر شده، مسئولان هر بطری آب معدنی را به قیمت ۱۰ هزار تومان به زندانیان می‌فروشند. قیمت هر پاکت سیگار هم در این زندان ۷۰ هزار تومان است. به این ترتیب، با قطع آب و در پناه گرانی‌ها، مسئولان زندان تهران بزرگ برای خود کسب و کار پررونقی فراهم آورده‌اند. قبل از این زندانیان گزارش داده بودند که در قرنطینه این زندان هر سه روز در میان از هر اتاق یک زندانی موظف است به اندازه قیمت یک پاکت سیگار بهمن یا وینستون (بسته به میل وکیل بند) از کارت اعتباری خود به وکیل بند بپردازد. فروش قرص‌های مخدر در قرنطینه کاملا علنی توسط انتظامات انجام می‌شود. در این زندان اسکناس وجود ندارد و نخ سیگار واحد پول به شمار می‌آید.

برچسب ها :

درباره ما

    به تصویر کشیدن جنایات و تبعیضات رژیم جمهوری اسلامی در حق مردم مظلوم یارسان و ایران Admin:Arman Yari
آمار وبلاگ
» بازدید امروز : 975
» افراد آنلاین : 1
» بازدید دیروز : 24
» بازدید ماه : 956
» بازدید سال : 966
» کل بازدیدها : 38664
» مجموع اعضا : 3
» تعداد مطالب : 697
» تعداد نظرات : 3
کد های کاربر